The Alabama Interfraternity Council (IFC) serves as the governing body for 36 men’s social fraternities at The University of Alabama, many of which are affiliated with the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), which is the trade association representing 58 international and national men’s fraternities. For more than 170 years, fraternities have provided a meaningful outlet for students to become involved in campus life outside the classroom through an emphasis on scholarship, leadership, community service, social life, and lasting friendships. The IFC sponsors various programs throughout the year and works with the APA, NPHC, and UGC to strengthen and promote the UA Greek community’s values and vision.
Current Chapters:
IFC values brotherhood, scholarship, leadership, and community service.
Potential New Members (PNM) interested in joining an IFC Fraternity should complete the online IFC Recruitment Registration Form prior to the start of the fall semester.
There are two ways of seeking membership. Organizations recruit members and extend bids for membership over the summer. The IFC also holds structured recruitment as students move in for the fall. During structured recruitment, prospective members can interact with individuals from each fraternity. Once prospective members have registered online, their information is shared with all IFC fraternities. A small group of chapters will also recruit new members in the spring.
To be eligible to join an IFC fraternity, you should:
Max Brown, IFC President