On March 25, 1917 seven young women who exemplified self-confidence and the willingness to take a chance, founded a new sorority at Cornell University. The founders of SDT were discriminated against in the greek community based on their religious beliefs and thus created the first chapter of Sigma Delta Tau. Each one of these amazing women added her own identity to the newly formed sorority. Today, the membership of over 25,000 women has contributed to the overall success of Sigma Delta Tau.
The Rho chapter of the University of Alabama was founded on May 10th, 1935. We pride ourselves on our genuine sisterhood and our loyalty to one another. Alabama Sig Delt’s come from all over to form life long friendships. Our sorority strives to uphold the ideals of our founders while bettering our college experience. SDT is forever! For more information, visit the S-D-T website.