On, March 23, 1974, The University of Alabama witnessed the birth of the first black sorority on its campus. On that day, the Lambda Zeta (LZ) Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. emerged. Spearheaded by the vision of the twenty-two founders of Delta Sigma Theta, our 11 charter members set the standards for having LZ make a profound impact on this predominately white campus.
Following their lead, Lambda Zeta members strive for sisterhood, scholarship, and service. This is evident through the chapters community service programs such as debates between the College Democrats and the College Republicans; volunteering at the YMCA and schools in the Tuscaloosa community; International Mixer to promote cultural awareness; Hip-Hop Exercise; Adopt-A-Freshman Mentoring Program; an annual Black History Trivia Bowl; and contributions to the Lupus Foundation in honor of one of our past members. For more information, visit the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Southern Region websites. For questions about the chapter and/or Membership Intake Process (MIP), please email alabamacoordinator@dstsouthernregion.com.

Chapter Nickname
Delta and DST
Chapter Type
National Pan-Hellenic Council